
ZeroBounce is the go-to email validation and deliverability platform for more than 200,000 companies worldwide, including Amazon, Netlflix, and LinkedIn. The service removes obsolete data from your email lists and allows you to test your emails for the highest inbox reach.

The 99% accurate email verifier identifies invalid, abuse, disposable and catch-all emails – and has a great track record of spotting spam traps. Verifying your email database ensures you keep a good sender reputation so that your campaigns can land in the inbox.

ZeroBounce also offers an entire suite of email deliverability tools, including:

  • An email server tester that checks all your configurations. To avoid the spam folder, fix them before you hit Send.
  • An inbox tester that gives you a preview of your email deliverability with popular providers. Keep adjusting your emails until you reach the inbox.
  • A blacklist monitor and checker which alert you if your IP or domain have been blacklisted. Find out if you’re blocked, then follow the delisting protocols.

Bonus tool: ZeroBounce Activity Data reveals your most active subscribers. It determines which of your subscribers have been checking their emails in the past 30 – 365 days, so you can target them with a dedicated campaign.

Pricing: Email validation starts at $16 for 2,000 email addresses. Subscriptions start at $15.

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